2022/23 Committee
The committee is always happy to receive ideas and questions from any and everyone; we want to do the best job we can!
We meet every fortnight in term and plan the upcoming term's events in the vacation. This includes contacting speakers, organising collaborations with other societies and creating our marketing material.
OUCS' Senior Member is Dr. Neil McLynn, the Chair of the Classics Faculty.

Justin Vyvyan-Jones (he/him)
Classics (IIA) & German (2018-23),
St Hugh's College
In 2015, I took a hardback Iliad off the shelf of my village state-comp's library, and began reading. Within a couple of pages I was falling in love with the ancient world; seven years later, I'm keen to spread the word in every way I can that studying Classics is relevant, accessible, and fantastically enriching. OUCS is a brilliant platform for outreach and access; it's also a space to foster community among Oxford's many devotees of antiquity. I'm immensely excited to be working with this talented and enthusiastic committee to deliver for OUCS in 2022-23!
Vice President

Charlotte Perry (she/her)
CAAH (2020-23), Somerville College
My name is Charlotte, an incoming third-year Classical Archaeology and Ancient History student from Somerville! I'm really excited to be serving as the Vice-President for the academic year. Alongside Justin I'm looking forward to bringing you a wide array of events and goodies, ranging from exclusive OUCS merch, to film nights (someone say Hercules?), to exciting pub-quiz events to test your classical knowledge! We also have a number of academic and career-orientated events in the works, so make sure to stay up to date with our latest news via our social media channels.

Marianne Morgan
Classics (2022-26), Brasenose College
Greetings and salutations, my name is Marianne and I am in my first year of Classics (IB) at Brasenose College. I am very honoured to have been able to join the OUCS committee, and hope that I may help in bringing you many fun events in the future.

Harry Dearlove Still (he/him)
Classics (2019-23), St Hugh's College
"I am so sorry about this, Justin. Completely my fault and unbefitting a ClassicsSoc Secretary! Teach me a lesson for going short on sleep and meals I suppose!" ~ our eminent Secretary, who still hasn't submitted a bio
IT Officer / Webmaster

Ambrose Pailing (he/him)
Ancient and Modern History (2022-25), Brasenose College
I’m Ambrose, a first-year Ancient and Modern Historian studying at Brasenose. As the IT Officer, I’ll be working on the online output of OUCS and helping to develop engagement with our various offerings. I’m looking forward to be involved in the exciting events we have planned for the year!
Auxiliary Webmaster

James Beggs (he/him)
Classics IIA (2018-22), St Hugh's College
I'm James, a recent graduate from St Hugh's. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Oxford and it was great to be able to attend and run OUCS events. Now no longer a student but nonetheless a member of OUCS (remember, membership is for life!) I have been co-opted into the role of Auxiliary Webmaster, creating, managing and maintaining our website and supporting the committee in promoting OUCS' online presence.
Auxiliary Treasurer

Oliver Cadogan (he/him)
Classics (2022-26), Brasenose College
I’m Oliver, and I’m a first-year Classics student at Brasenose College. While I may be new to Oxford, I’m nevertheless keen to get stuck in and do whatever I can as auxiliary treasurer to help the society organise and run events to help promote the study and enjoyment of the classical world.
SEEKING: Equalities & Outreach Officer

Could it be you?
There's still space on the committee for an Equalities & Outreach Officer. Individuals from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in Classics are particularly welcome to fill this role, but anyone keen to make a difference in rendering Classics more accessible and inclusive is welcome to contact any of our committee members.
Want to get involved?
Elections are held annually, with members in their role for a full academic year.
Elections for the President and Vice President will be held in Hilary Term 2023 so that they may shadow the current committee for Trinity Term 2023. All other roles will have elections in Trinity Term 2023.
Any unfilled roles can be applied for at any time, and are appointed subject to a vote of approval from the membership.